Why You NEED a Mobile Landing Page
FACT: Customers are using mobile to find your competition.
- source: Google "Understanding Smartphone Users," 2011
Every passing day Local Mobile Searches become the standard way people seek products and services of interest, BUT what happens when someone visits your website from his or her SmartPhone?
If you haven’t got a socially mobilized version of your website, then the cold hard truth is, the visitors will probably just give up and leave… because having to zoom in and out, scroll up, down, left and right to get the information they’re looking for isn’t a good experience and it's definitely NOT good for your business!
A socially mobilized version of your website with a strong social media call to action exponentially skyrockets the chances that your visitors will become your customers.
FACT: Loads of potential clients are looking up your business on their mobile phones and chances are your site is turning them away! - source: Google "Understanding Smartphone Users," 2011
Our Promise
Executive Vision will have your Mobile Marketing Landing Page and/or Multi-page Mobile Website customized for your business and available LIVE in action within few days.
Our mobile websites feature Tap-to-Call and Tap-to-Email technology and optional SMS/Text Messaging marketing to send your customers special offers. They can also be infused with Facebook and Twitter for greatly enhanced viral marketing effect. Or if you wish, for a power nuke effect - all of the above.
CLICK HERE to see a demo of the mobile version of this page >>
If you require any further assistance or require a quote, please contact us using the details on the right.
Sample Mobile Portfolio